There’s Gold In Those Hills

Welcome to my first blog post on my new site. I look forward to sharing much more info and content here. 

To deliver the latest, it only seemed fitting to write a little about one of my favorite summer activities: flyfishing for small stream cutthroats. The native snake river fine spotted variety have just finished their spawn in Eastern Idaho. Tributaries to the Snake River & her “forks” are some of the best places to find them and as is usual for this time of year, they do display quite the appetite. 

On this day, the bite was especially good as I stepped out of the campsite & into the glide just off the small hill, tenkara rod in tow. Active along the river were yellow sally stoneflies, caddis, pale morning dun mayflies along with hoppers, ants, and beetles, oh my! Pinch me. Summer is HERE! 

Two casts, two fish. Three casts, two fish. Four casts, three fish. The bite is ON! Each cutthroat slashing at my parachute ant as I tucked the imitation into likely feeding spots. Five casts, four fish….seven casts five fish. This is no longer fishing. This is catching seemingly at will.

I struck a vein of gold while walking through the hills of Southeastern Idaho. No need to proceed upstream & “wreck ‘em” or “catch a whole mess of cutties”. Just a few of those gems and I’m fulfilled and recharged.  

 The best time of the season is NOW for all of you hackleheads & cutty lovers. Thank you for visiting & reading while I build the site & share my passion with you. 












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